JupyterHub (jupyter.cs)


This page is about the JupyterHub for light use and teaching, https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi. The Triton JupyterHub for research is documented at Jupyter on Triton.

NBGrader in JupyterLab is the default (2023 Autumn)

JupyterLab interface is now available and is the default option for new course servers. Doing Assignments in JupyterLab tells more about using it. You can access nbgrader from the JupyterLab menu.

https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi is a JupyterHub installation for teaching and light usage. Anyone at Aalto may use this for generic light computing needs, teachers may create courses with assignments using nbgrader. Jupyter has a rich ecosystem of tools for modern computing.

Basic usage

Log in with any valid Aalto account. Our environment may be used for light computing and programming by anyone.

Your persistent storage has a quota of 1GB. Your data belongs to you, may be accessed from outside, and currently is planned to last no more than one year from last login. You are limited to several CPUs and 1GB memory.

Your notebook server is stopped after 60 minutes of idle time, or 8 hours max time. Please close the Jupyter tab if you are not using it, or else it may still appear as active.

There are some general use computing environments. You will began with Jupyter in the /notebooks directory, which is your persistent storage. Your server is completely re-created each time it restarts. Everything in your home directory is re-created, only /notebooks is preserved. (Certain files like .gitconfig are preserved by linking into /notebooks/.home/....)

You begin with a computing server with the usual scipy stack installed, plus a lot of other software used in courses here.

You may access your data as a network drive by SMB mounting it on your own computer - see Accessing JupyterHub (jupyter.cs) data. This allows you total control over your data.

JupyterHub has no GPUs, but you can check out the instructions for using the Paniikki GPUs with the JupyterHub data. These instructions are still under development.

Each notebook server is basically a Linux container primarily running a Juptyer notebook server. You may create Jupyter notebooks to interact with code in notebooks. To access a Linux bash shell, create a new terminal - this is a great place to learn something new.

Terms of use

This service must be used according to the general IT usage policy of Aalto university (including no unlawful purposes). It should only be used for academic purposes (but note that self-exploration and programming for own interests is considered an academic purpose, though commercial purposes is not allowed). For more information, see the Aalto policies. Heavy non-interactive computational use is not allowed (basically, don’t script stuff to run in the background when you are not around. If you are using this service is person, it is OK). For research computing, see Triton cluster.

Courses and assignments

New: nbgrader in JupyterLab instructions: Doing Assignments in JupyterLab

Some courses may use the nbgrader system to give and grade assignments. These courses have special entries in the list. If you are a student in such a course, you will have a special environment for that course. Your instructor may customize the environment, or it may one of our generic environments.

If your course is using Jupyter with nbgrader, there are some built-in features for dealing with assignments. Under the Assignment list tab, you can see the assignments for your course (only the course you selected when starting your notebook server). You can fetch assignments to work on them - they are then copied to your personal /notebooks directory. You can edit the assignments there - fill out the solutions and validate them. Once you are done, you can submit them from the same assignment list. We have a short tutorial that walks through this process using the new JupyterLab interface.

A course may give you access to a /coursedata folder with any course-specific data.

By default, everyone may access every course’s environment and fetch their assignments. We don’t stop you from submitting assignments to courses you are not enrolled in - but please don’t submit assignments unless you are registered, because the instructors must then deal with it. Some courses may restrict who can launch their notebook servers: if you can not see or launch the notebook server for a course you are registered for, please contact your instructor in this case.

Note that the /notebooks folder is shared across all of your courses/servers, but the assignment list is specific to the course you have started for your current session. Thus, you should pay attention to what you launch. Remember to clean up your data sometimes.


See the separate instructors guide. This service may be either used as general light computing for your students, or using nbgrader to release and collect assignments.

Privacy notice

Summary: This system is managed by Aalto CS-IT. We do not store separate accounts or user data beyond a minimal database of usernames and technical logs of notebooks which are periodically removed (this is separate from your data). The actual data (your data, course data) is controlled by you and the course instructor respectively. We do not access data, but when necessary for the operation of the system, but we may see file metadata (stat FILENAME) such as permissions, size, timestamp and filename. Your personal data may be deleted once it has been inactive for one year, and at the latest once your Aalto home directory is removed (after your Aalto account expires). Course data is controlled by course instructors.

See the separate privacy policy document for more details.

FAQ and bugs

  • I started the wrong environment and can’t get back to the course selection list. In JupyterLab, use the menu bar, “Hub->Control Panel”. On the classic notebooks, use the “Control panel” button on the top right. (Emergency backup: you can always change the URL path to /hub/home).

  • Is JupyterLab available? Yes, and it’s nice. There are two general use instances that are actually the same, the only difference is one starts JupyterLab by default and one starts classic notebooks by default.

  • Can I login with a shell? Run a new terminal within the notebook interface.

  • Can I request more software be installed? Yes, let us know and we will include it if it is easy. We aim to have featureful environments by default, but won’t go so far as to install large specialist software. It should be in standard repositories (conda or pip for Python stuff).

  • Can I do stuff with my class’s assignments and not have it submitted? You have your personal storage space /notebooks/, which you can use for whatever you want. You can always make a copy of the assignment files there and play around with them as much as you want - even after the course is over, of course.

  • Are there other programming languages available? Currently there is Python, R, and Julia. More could be added if there is a good Jupyter kernel for it.

  • What can I use this for? Intended uses include anything related to courses, own exploration of programming, own data analysis, and so on (see Terms of Use above). Long-term background processing isn’t good (but it’s OK to leave small stuff running, close the tab, and come back).

  • When using nbgrader, how do I know what assignments I have already submitted? Currently you can’t beyond what is shown there.

  • Can I know right away what my score is after I submit an assignment with nbgrader? nbgrader is not currently designed for this.

  • Are there backups of data? Data storage is provided by the Aalto Teamwork system. There are snapshots available in .snapshot in every directory (you have to ls this directory in a shell using its full name for it to appear the first time). This service is not designed for long term data storage, and you should back up anything important because it will be lost after about one year or when your Aalto account expires. You should use git as your primary backup mechanism, obviously.

  • Is git installed? Yes, and you should use it. Currently you have to configure your username and email each time you use it, because this isn’t persistent (because home directories are not persistent). Git will guide you through doing this. In the future, your Aalto directory name/email will be automatically set. As a workaround, run git config without the --global option in each repository.

  • I don’t see “Assignment list”. You have probably launched the general use server instead of a course server. Stop your server and go spawn the notebook server of your course.

  • I’m getting an error code Here are the ones we know about:

    • 504 Gateway error: The hub isn’t running in background. This may be hub just restarting or us doing maintenance. If it persists for more than 30 minutes, let someone know.

  • Stan/pystan/Rstan don’t work. Stan needs to do a memory-intensive compilation when your program is run. We can’t increase our memory limits too much, but we have a workaround: you need to tell your program to use the clang compiler instead of the gcc compiler by setting the environment variables CC=clang and CXX=clang++. For R notebooks, this should be done for you. For RStudio, we don’t know. For Python, put the following in your notebook:

    import os
    os.environ['CC'] = "clang"
    os.environ['CXX'] = "clang++"

    We should set this the default, but want to be sure there are no problems first.

  • RStudio doesn’t appear. It seems that it doesn’t work from the Edge browser. We don’t know why, but try another browser.

  • I’ve exceeded my quota. You should reduce the space you use, the quota is 1GB. If this isn’t enough and you actually need more for your classes, tell your instructor to contact us. To find large directories files: open a terminal and run du -h /notebooks/ | sort -h to find all large files. Then clean up that stuff somehow, for example rm -r. Note that .home/.local/share/jupyter/nbgrader_cache will continue to grow and eventually needs to be cleaned up - after the respective course is done.

  • I don’t see the assignments for my course. There are different profiles you can start, and you can’t tell which profile you have started. Go back to the hub control panel and restart your server. To be more precise, click the “Control Panel” in the upper-right corner, then click “Stop my Server”, wait a little bit, then click “Start My Server” and choose the profile for your course.

More info

Students, your first point of contact for course-related or Jupyter matters and bugs with JuptyerHub should be your instructors, not us. They will answer questions and send the relevant ones to us. But, if you can actively help with other things, feel free to comment via Github repositories below.

The preferred way to send feedback and development requests is via Github issues and pull requests. However, we’re not saying it’s best to give Github all our information, so you can also send tickets to CS-IT.

Students and others who have difficulty in usage outside of a course can contact CS-IT via the guru alias.

Jupyter notebooks are not an end-all solution: for an entertaining look at some problems, see “I don’t like notebooks” by Joel Grus or less humorous pitfalls of Jupyter notebooks. Most of these aren’t actually specific to notebooks and JupyterLab makes some of the problems better, but thinking hard about the downfalls of notebooks makes your work better no matter what you do.

Our source is open and on Github: